Exclusive: Generation Media explores media planning and buying strategies

Published on: 12th June 2024

This month, Lauren Whyman, director of Client Services/deputy MD at Generation Media, explored how leveraging Pre-School parent mindsets can be instrumental in informing media planning and buying strategies.

Generation MediaIn today’s dynamic marketplace, where consumer behaviour is constantly evolving, understanding the mindset of different buyer personas is paramount for successful media planning and buying. This is particularly true in the realm of Pre-School parents, a diverse group encompassing a variety of attitudes and approaches to purchasing. For example, even though Boris Johnson and Ryan Reynolds are both parents to children under the age of five, it doesn’t mean the way we would target them is automatically the same. We need to delve into the nuances of the mindsets, so that plans can tailor media strategies to effectively engage and influence the target consumers.

Following in-depth analysis this Spring, we have used Target Group Index survey to home in on five key Pre-School shopper mindsets: the Savvy Browser, the Impulse Buyer, the Unassuming Shopper, the Bargain Hunter and the Cautious Clicker. The reason it is important to highlight ‘mindset’ and not ‘segmentation group’ is because, at any one time a parent can move between the five mindsets, never being limited to one group indefinitely.

Lauren goes in-depth into each mindset, like the Savvy Browser, who epitomises the modern consumer who navigates the internet with ease, seeking credible information and safeguarding their finances, and the Bargain Hunter, who is characterised by their diligent pursuit of deals and discounts.

To read Lauren’s full article on Pre-School parental mindsets in the June issue, click here.


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