Icecat acquires Cedemo’s French toys and entertainment data business

Published on: 4th March 2020

The two platforms will merge, giving Cedemo clients access to Icecat’s extensive global network of retailers and manufacturers.

A deal has been finalised that will see Icecat acquire Cedemo’s toys and entertainment product content and product information management business. The toys and entertainment business encompasses toys, video games, games, licensed products, video games accessories and digital video games.

Cedemo, located in Monaco, is mainly focused on the French market working for leading retailers such as Cdiscount, Amazon, Jouet Club, Micromania, E.Leclerc and Cultura, with content from global brands including Lego, Epoch d’Enfance, Mattel, Playmobil, EA and Ubisoft. The parties aim to complete the transaction by April.

“This exciting development will give Cedemo’s clients access to Icecat’s extensive global network of retailers and manufacturers”, according to Keith Jones, CEO and co-founder of Cedemo. “Going forward the Icecat and Cedemo platforms will merge to give a rich feature set, specifically oriented to the needs of non-food industries, localized into over 50 languages.”

The Cedemo team will become the new Icecat team in Monaco, providing support for the French market.

Looking ahead, Cedemo clients will benefit from Icecat group’s product testing and direct lead conversion platforms, with over 80,000 channel partners worldwide. Icecat’s partners in turn will benefit from Cedemo’s unique expertise in the toys and entertainment vertical and purchasing and logistic information management, which will be combined with Icecat’s existing activities in the same vertical.

At completion in April the final details of the transaction will be communicated to Icecat investors.


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