Icecat Catalogue welcomes Cartamundi product content

Published on: 5th September 2023

Cartamundi has become an Open Icecat Sponsor, giving vendors access to Icecat’s product content management solution.

Icecat has announced that Cartamundi, a leading worldwide manufacturer of playing cards, card games and board games has become an Open Icecat Sponsor. The collaboration between Cartamundi and Icecat will bring a host of advantages to Cartamundi and its vendors. It will grant them access to Icecat’s product content management solution, facilitating improved online product positioning and promotion.

With a booming global presence, Cartamundi is committed to bringing people together through the joy of play and is renowned for its extensive portfolio of card brands, including names such as Bicycle, Bee, Copag, and Shuffle. In collaboration with Icecat, Cartamundi is poised to enhance its product management processes, driving success in the dynamic Benelux region.

Cartamundi invites its partners to download the structured content of the Icecat catalogue. All digital assets, such as product specifications, marketing texts, images, and logos, are available in its product datasheets. Resellers can choose from various formats, such as XML, JSON, CSV, or JavaScript, to embed or upload content into their online stores. Of course, manuals are available for each of these formats. Alternatively, users can choose some of the Icecat connectors—for example, Shopify, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento and more. By leveraging the Icecat solution, vendors gain effortless and accurate control over their product data management.

Existing Icecat users can log in with their existing account to access the content. Those who don’t yet have an account can  register as a new user or contact Icecat directly.


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