Icecat unveils new tool to streamline Amazon A+ content

Published on: 17th May 2023

The Icecat Product Enrichment Tool streamlines Amazon A+ content, saving time and resources by managing all content in one place.

Global syndicator of eCommerce product content Icecat, which was founded in the Netherlands in 1999, supports companies in conveying product content online, sharing specifications, marketing text, images and videos related to their products.

Icecat can help retailers which host their web shops on different eCommerce platforms, with various plug-ins, so they are easily able to retrieve the content and integrate it on different web shop pages.

Icecat knows that, in today’s competitive eCommerce landscape, having Amazon A+ content can greatly enhance the overall product experience and drive traffic and conversion rates. The Icecat Product Enrichment Tool (PET) makes publishing A+ content for brand users easy.

Through API integration with Amazon, the Icecat PET tool allows brand users to create Product Stories to syndicate to the Icecat network while simultaneously pushing engaging A+ Content on Amazon product detail pages. This saves time and resources by managing all below-the-fold content in one place with our solution.

The Icecat Product Enrichment Tool supports up to seven Amazon-compatible modules, including Image/text slider modules, messaging modules, image/text modules, product benefits modules, comparison modules, company logo modules and text overlay modules.

Users need only follow three simple steps to begin syndicating A+ content through PET.

  • First, authorize for Amazon SP API through Icecat.
  • Secondly, create a Product Story in the PET.
  • Finally, users can push their Product Stories to the Icecat network and Amazon A+ with just one click of a button.

For more information, visit www.icecat.comor read the following article, in which Toy World takes a more in depth look at the company’s services.


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