Toys R Us UK enlists Icecat to enhance online offering

Published on: 25th May 2023

Toys R Us UK has used the services of Icecat to improve its product pages with Enhanced Product Stories and videos.

Global toy retailer Toys R Us made its return to the UK in October 2022. The launch included a brand-new website offering a wide selection of toys, electronics, and games for children of all ages.

The retailer also unveiled plans to return to the UK high street, thanks to the signing of an exclusive sub-license agreement with WHSmith to trial nine Toys R Us store-in-store concessions around the UK.

To enhance its product pages and help customers make better-informed purchase decisions, Toys R Us UK has chosen to implement Open Icecat Rich Content, Enhanced Product Stories, and videos. This upgrade will bring the retailer many benefits, including increased customer engagement, brand consistency and boosted online conversion.

Currently, more than 100+ toy brands are taking advantage of Open Icecat, like Toys R Us UK. Open Icecat is a free service that helps brands share data about their products with resellers and marketplaces and makes it easy for everyone to access the same product information. Additionally, the service helps companies save time and money by simplifying the sharing of information about new products.

Global syndicator of eCommerce product content Icecat, which was founded in the Netherlands in 1999, supports companies in conveying product content online, sharing specifications, marketing text, images and videos related to their products. The company can help retailers which host their web shops on various different eCommerce platforms.

Readers who have any questions about Icecat services or how to enhance content on product pages are invited to contact the team or register directly for the Icecat catalog for free.


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